
Info Symposion

Current Challenges to Education and Training

With the thesis from the end of the “great narratives,” the cultural philosopher, Jean-François Lyotard, prepared not only all claims of absoluteness, but also a memorable end to all arbitrariness.

Published on 27 March 2015
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Three Austrian Universities and FWF awarded the EU-Prize

The University of Salzburg, the University of Agricultural Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, the Medical University of Graz and the Austrian Science Fund FWF were awarded the “HR Excellence in Research Award” of the EU.

Published on 27 March 2015
Foto: Edmundsburg

“Poverty Migration”? The Impact European Legislation has on Social Services

The controversial access of EU foreigners to social services is discussed in the European Union under the heading of „Armutsmigration“ (“Poverty Migration”).

Published on 27 March 2015