
Cover ZfPP Band 1, 2014

The First Issue of the Journal of Moral Philosophy has been Published

The first issue of the “Journal of Practical Philosophy” has been published and is available online for free download. With contributions from Peter Koller (Graz), Michael Festl (St. Gallen) and Martha Nussbaum (Chicago), as well as the focus on “Altern als Paradigma – Neue Zugänge zur Zeitlichkeit des Menschen in der Ethik” with Claudia Bozzaro (Freiburg), Michael Coors (Hannover), Thomas Rentsch (Dresden), Christina Schües (Lübeck) and Mark Schweda (Göttingen).

Published on 09 February 2015
Nähereikooperative in Qamislo

Democratic Autonomy in Syrian Kurdistan – an Alternative to Dictatorship and Islamism

Review and analysis from Christian Zeller on Wednesday, 17 December, at 18:00, University of Salzburg, NAWI, Hellbrunnerstraße 34 Erdgeschoß, 402 HS blauer Hörsaal.

Published on 09 February 2015
Dr. Manuel Schabus/ORF Sleep Researcher Manuel Schabus

The START award winner, Manuel Schabus, shared his insight into the exciting activity at the frontiers of consciousness during the December 2014 ORF-Science Talk with Barbara Stöckl. At the University of Salzburg, he has successfully researched the topic of learning during sleep, as well as other sleep topics.

Published on 09 February 2015