
Foto Wangermann

Stadtsiegel in Gold for Prof. Ernst Wangermann

Prof. Ernst Wangermann has been awarded the Stadtsiegel (City Seal) in gold for his services to the city of Salzburg. The University of Salzburg extends its warm congratulations.

Published on 03 March 2015
Talfüllungen für das Sedimentbudget des Himalaya

Geological and Geomorphological Colloquium, Tues., 9 December, 17:00, HS 434

(University of Potsdam) Jan BLÖTHE: Auf halbem Wege stecken geblieben: Die Bedeutung großer Talfüllungen für das Sedimentbudget des Himalaya.

Published on 02 March 2015

Lecture “Snow, Avalanches and Winter Mountaineering”

The lecture series is a collaboration between the University Sports Institute and the Avalanche Colloquium (elective for students) and consists of seven theory and five practice units as part of offered USI courses — valuable knowledge for all snow enthusiasts. Register for participation in the practice courses at or Next date: 20 Nov.,2014 – Unipark Nonntal, HS Thomas Bernard, Erzabt-Klotz-Straße

Published on 02 March 2015