
netzwerk Erfolgreich in Österreich

Successful Network in Austria – Migrant Background vs. Homeland

26 Nov., 2014: Integration, Identity and Living Together – from 18:00 in the Bibliotheksaula of the University of Salzburg, Hofstallgasse 2-4.

Published on 03 March 2015
Griechische Inschriften und Antike Münzen

Winckelmann Lecture

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Marek, University Zürich, “Die Epigraphik der Hekatomniden – Neue Perspektiven”.

Published on 03 March 2015

Lecture Series: East-West Passages

During the lecture series Ost-West-Passagen, recognized experts will talk about aspects of Eastern European history, politics, culture and society: not exotic stories from strangers, but knowledgeable insight into the changes that take place in societies with which Austria is still connected by more than a
common history.

Published on 03 March 2015