
Nina Vasiltshenko und Mohammad Sadeqi

Alltag. Gewalt. Augen auf!

Exhibition of Nina Vasiltshenko and Mohammad Sadeqi from 5 to 25 November, 2014, Unipark, Salzburg.

Published on 03 March 2015
Foto Folder

Conference “Education – Intersectionality – Gender”

5 and 6 November, Conference on “Education – Intersectionality – Gender”, Unipark Nonntal and Pädagogische Hochschule, with the support of the Federal Ministry for Education and Women.

Published on 03 March 2015
Foto Folder

Advent Concert of the University Chamber Choir

With works by Georg Philipp Telemann and Vivaldi, 13 December, at 19:30, in röm. kath. Pfarrkirche Gneis.

Published on 03 March 2015