
Kohei Saito, The ADRI 2018, Patna, India

6 May: The Relevance of Marx’s Idea of Eco-socialism in the Anthropocene

Monday, 06.05.2019, at 17:00, UniPark:
Lecture by Kohei Saito, University of Osaka, Japan, in the context of the lecture series “Global Challenges – Answers to Climate Change”

Published on 09 May 2019

ZMF-Project ONAMA “Ontology of the Narratives of the Middle Ages”

ONAMA, the “Ontology of the Narratives of the Middle Ages”, launched on 1 March, 2018, a two-year joint project between the Mittelhochdeutschen Begriffsdatenbank (MHDBDB, University of Salzburg) and the Institut für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit in Krems (IMAREAL, University of Salzburg), both part of the Interdisciplinary Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (IZMF) at the University of Salzburg.

Published on 09 May 2019

6 May: Panorama:Uni “Posten. Liken. Teilen. Social Media – alles was Recht ist”

Almost every second an Austrian is on Facebook. Why do people use digital forums? Where does freedom of expression on the Internet end, and where does criminalization begin? The communication scientist, Christine Lohmeier, and the criminal law expert, Nina Marlene Schallmoser, will discuss this topic.

Published on 09 May 2019