
Price for the bast master thesis

DI Rudolf Schraml of the Multimedia Signal Processing and Security Lab receives the price for the bast master thesis of the German Society for Computer Science in Agriculure, Forestry and Nutrition for his thesis entitled “TreeBio – Preliminary study on traceability of tree logs using digital log end images”. Congratulations!

Published on 02 June 2015

Papers accepted

The Multimedia Signal Processing and Security Lab got four papers accepted at the 22nd IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2014), Stockholm, Sweden.

Published on 02 June 2015

Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security

The department hosts the 2nd Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security on June 11-13 2014 in Salzburg, Austria. Further information regarding topics, submission deadline, notification of acceptance etc. please refer to

Published on 02 June 2015