
Best Reviewer Award

Andreas Uhl of the Multimedia Signal Processing and Security Lab received a “Best Reviewer Award” from the 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSICPO 2014) and a “Best Poster Award” from the IAPR/IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB’14) for the paper “Effects of Severe Image Compression on Iris Segmentation Performance” co-authored with the two former group members Christian Rathgeb and Peter Wild, now at Hochschule Darmstadt and Reading University, res

Published on 02 June 2015

Paper published

Our paper “Efficient Computation of the Tree Edit Distance” from the Database Research Group has been published in ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), one of the most renowned journal in the database community.

Published on 02 June 2015

New FWF project granted

New project granted. A new Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project has been granted for the Multimedia Signal Processing and Security Lab research group entitled “Biometric Sensor Forensic”. In this 3-year project, techniques from the area of digital image and video forensics are used in a biometric context to improve the security of biometric systems.

Published on 02 June 2015