
(c) Luigi Caputo

Kurt-Zopf Prize – Call for 2015

Thanks to a generous bequest by Mr. Kurt Zopf, who bestowed upon the University of Salzburg a yearly endowment of 10.000, – EUR, it is time again for the open call for recipient(s) of the Kurt Zopf Prize. This award is given for internationally renowned publication achievements of research staff members from the University of Salzburg.

Published on 05 May 2015
Plakat der Ringvorlesung

Lecture Series “Symbols, Identities and Attributes in Jewish Cultural History”: Synagogues in the 19th and 20th Century: Architecture as a Representation of Jewish Identity(ies)?

Thursday, 30 April, 2015, 17-19:00, HS 380 GesWi (Rudolfskai 42, Salzburg)
Dr. Ulrich Knufinke (Braunschweig)

Published on 05 May 2015

Invitation to the Exhibition Opening

30 April, 2015, 18:30, University Library: Object Art | Ceramics • Christine Wimmer-Gaibinger

Published on 05 May 2015