

Habilitation Colloquium: Wählbares Sachenrecht? – Am Beispiel dinglicher Sicherungsrechte an beweglichen körperlichen Sachen. Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang FABER

Wednesday, 6 May, 2015, at 13:30, HS 207, Churfürststrasse 1, Department of Private Law

Published on 07 May 2015

ÖAW Selected Three Salzburger Professors

In its annual selection meeting, The Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) chose the material scientist, Nicola Hüsing, as a full member, and the Geoinformatic, Thomas Blaschke, and the Romanist Christopher F. Laferl , as corresponding members.

Published on 07 May 2015

Publication of the month April (2015)

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month April (2015): Carmen ABFALTER

Published on 06 May 2015