
©Buchcover Piper Verlag

7 May: Crime Thriller Reading with Veit Heinichen – New Novel »Borderless«

Veit Heinichen’s new Commissioner is in a case that breaks down all barriers. Brilliantly researched and highly tense, the author tells of the entanglements of international crime with politics.

Published on 09 May 2019
07.05.2019 Podiumsdiskussion

7 May, 2019: “Migration from Africa to Europe” – Panel Discussion

The panel discussion will take place as part of the event series, “Theologie im Zeichen der Zeit”, on 7 May, 2019, at 18:00 in HS 101 of the Faculty of Catholic Theology (Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg, EG).

Published on 09 May 2019
Nekyia_Staatliche Antikensammlungen München

6 May: Rather err with Homer? Intended Inconsistencies in the Afterlife Descriptions of Virgil, Silius Italicus and Statius.

Guest lecture by Herrn Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Heil, University of Vienna, on Monday, 6.5.2019, 17.30, Residenzplatz 1, Abguss-Sammlung SR. E.33, Department of Classical Studies.

Published on 09 May 2019