Prof. Marco Ceresa: “The Princess, the Jasmine, the Olympics and the EXPO.”
The Agorà is a forum in which lecture topics and discussions are China-specific. Dealing with China in all its facets is a challenge for every – not just Western – culture. Awareness of the importance of China and the understanding of Chinese culture should be developed and promoted in this context.
Geological Colloquium on Tuesday, 19 May, 2015, 17:00, HS 434, Hellbrunnerstraße 34
Christoph Spötl (Innsbruck Quaternary Research Group): Höhlen als Archiv der Vergangenheit: Aktuelle Forschung von den Alpen bis Übersee.
Which European Union? Europe after the Euro Crisis by Sergio Fabbrini (LUISS School of Government, Rome)
18.5.2015 – 18.00 Uhr, Europasaal, Edmundsburg: Sergio Fabbrini argues that the European Union is made up of states pursuing different aims, rather than simply moving in the same direction at different speeds.