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Ö1-Hörsaal: Plant Life

Ö1 Hörsaal: Plant Life
“The Plant” – Adornment, Weed or Food. On 12 June, 2015, from 10:00-17:00, at the Faculty of Science, everything will revolve around this topic.

Published on 18 June 2015
Viele Buntstifte um einen Krieger

Science and Art Forum: Podium Discussion “Art, Religion and Terror”

The second Science and Art Forums will be held on 5 May, 2015, 19:30, HS E.003, Unipark Nonntal: Gerhard Haderer (Artist and Caricaturist, Linz), Dorna Safaian (Media and Art Theorist, Berlin) and Viktor Hermann (Journalist, Salzburg) discuss the current theme of “Art, Religion and Terrorism” .

Published on 18 June 2015

Antrittsvorlesung, am 22.6.2015

Datum: 22. Juni 2015, 17 Uhr an der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, blauer Hörsaal (HS 402)

Published on 17 June 2015