
Gastvortrag “Beschleunigte Bildverarbeitung mit FPGAs”

Wann: 25. Juni 2015, 16:00 Uhr, HS T03

Published on 22 June 2015

Opening of the Exhibition “Der Gesang des Todes”. Robert Musil and the First World War

18 June, 2015: Opening of the exhibition “Der Gesang des Todes”, or “The Song of Death”. Robert Musil and the First World War – from 19 June to 28 August, 2015, in the Literature Archive Salzburg.

Published on 19 June 2015
(c) Florian Büttner:

Political Economy of the Gulf States in the Context of the Middle East Region

Lecture by Adam Hanieh on 18 June, 2015, in HS E.004 (Anna Bahr-Mildenburg), UniPark

Published on 19 June 2015