
Bild Moleküle

DFG Schwerpunktprogramm at the PLUS

Raphael Berger from Department of Materials Research and Physics succeeded in a project within the Schwerpunktprogramm (SPP) 1807 ( of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Title of the SPPs is the “Kontrolle von London-Dispersionswechselwirkungen in der Molekülchemie”.

Published on 10 June 2015
Foto Peter Kritzer

Prize for Achievement in Information Based Complexity 2015

Peter Kritzer, Associate Professor at the Institute of Financial Mathematics and Applied Theory of Numbers at the University of Linz and lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, has been awarded the prestigious “Prize for Achievement in Information-Based Complexity 2015”.

Published on 10 June 2015
Alte Residenz

Guest Lecture Prof.Dr. Veit Rosenberger

Heilige Speisen – Spielräume in der Askese der spätantiken Mönche

Published on 10 June 2015