1001 Courage Cushions for Refugee Children – Photo Documentary in the Unipark
It began with a small idea … early September kindergarten teacher Ute Präauer and costume and set designer Sigrid Wurzinger, brought to life the Mutpolster Project. On 20 October, 1001 Courage Cushions (Mutpolster) by Caritas for the refugee children presented as a photo documentary at the Unipark Nonntal.
Book Presentation: “Betteln fordert heraus”, 3 November, 2015
On 3 November, 2015, a new publication, which was created with the assistance of the Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research, will be presented to the interested public. The publishers/editors of the volume “Betteln fordert heraus” John Dines (Caritas Salzburg), Michael King (Diakoniewerk Salzburg), Helmut P. Gaisbauer (ZEA) and P. Virgil Steindlmüller (St. Peter) answer questions from Elfi Geiblinger (ORF). The event takes place from 19:00 in the Romanischen Saal of the Stifts St. Peter.
Invitation to a Book Presentation
Herbal Artistry & Bone Saw. Medicine at the Court of Salzburg Baroque Princes.