
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Three Inaugural Lectures at the Faculty of Natural Science

On 22 June, at 17:15, in the Blauen Hörsaal (HS 402) at the Faculty of Natural Science, Hellbrunner Str. 34, three inaugural lectures will take place; the speakers are Nicholas Augsten, Oliver Diwald and Andreas Schröder.

Published on 24 June 2015
Die Woche der Botanischen Gärten 2015

The Week of the Botanical Gardens 2015

From 13 to 21 June, 2015, the Week of the Botanical Gardens will take place.
This year’s theme is: “Last Chance to See – Endangered Wild Plants in Botanical Gardens”.

Published on 24 June 2015

Billroth-Colloquium Summerterm 2015

Thursday 12:30; large seminar room; Billrothstr. 11

Published on 23 June 2015