
Foto Kirsten Schmalenbach

Terrorists Kill. Anti-Terror-Laws and their Opportunities, Limits and Dangers

Ö1 Punkt eins live discussion broadcast on Monday, November 9, 2020, from 1:00 p.m. – Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schmalenbach is a guest on Barbara Zeithammer’s live broadcast.

Published on 16 December 2020

New Geology Professor at the University of Salzburg, Department of Geography and Geology

Christoph von Hagke took up a geology professorship on the 1.10.2020 at the University of Salzburg.

Published on 16 December 2020
Foto: Plakat

Lecture Gender Lecture & Performance Series

As part of the lecture series “Gender & Race – Lecture and Performance Series”, Nora Amin, choreographer, dancer and activist deals with violence against women and combines literature, theatre, dance and feminism in order to use art to make a stand and bring about change .

Published on 16 December 2020