Guest Lecture: Christopher Müller, 10th of November 2014, 5 p.m. Lecture Room Green (HS 403) [Kopie]
Title: From the skin to lymph nodes: new insights into the importance of the microenvironment for immune cells
Guest Lecture Prof. Chantal Pichon, 19th of Jannuary 2015, 5 p. m., Lecture Room Green (HS 403) [Kopie]
Title: Nucleic acids transfer by non viral methods
6th Development Conference “umbruch aufbruch” – 14-16 November, 2014
From 14 to 16 November, 2014, the sixth Austrian Development Conference will be held in Salzburg. The dedicated topic is “Entwicklung im Umbruch. Neue globale Verhältnisse und die Zukunft der Entwicklungspolitik “.