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“Half Jewish” or “HalfAryan”? The precarious survival of Jewish “half-breeds” and “mixed marriages” in Nazi Vienna 1938-1945

PD Dr. Eleonore Lappin-Eppel: Tuesday, 17 November, 2015, at 18:15, HS 380 – GesWi, Rudolfskai 42, Salzburg

Published on 19 November 2015
Inklusion/Exklusion © S. Roßberg/Uni Salzburg

12 November: Interdisciplinary Lecture Series “Inclusion/E xclusion – Current Social Dynamics”

in the Winter Semester 2015/16 on Thursdays from 17:15 to 18:45 in HS Anna Bahr-Mildenburg (Unipark Nonntal, Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg, EC). Next date: 12 November, with Nicholas Dimmel on “Inclusion/Exclusion: and between them, Migration” .

Published on 19 November 2015
GRADE Goethe University Frankfurt/Main

13 November: Guest Lecture “Quality Assurance in Doctoral Education” with Heike Zimmermann-Timm

The Department of Ecology and Evolution invites you to a guest lecture with Heike Zimmermann-Timm, Managing Director of GRADE (Goethe Graduate Academy, Goethe University Frankfurt / Main). Date: 14-16:00, HS 413, Faculty of Natural Sciences. Guests are welcome!

Published on 17 November 2015