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2.6.: Can the Jewish prostitute speak?

Prof. Dr. Tony Kushner (University of Southampton) – Thursday,. 2 June, 2016, 18:00, HS 381 (GesWi)

Published on 07 June 2016
Tag der Lehre 2016

1 June: Teaching Day

The Day of Teaching took place on 1 June, 2016 at the NaWi under the motto “Attraktive Studienangebote. Motivierende Lehre” (“Attractive Study Programs. Motivating Teaching”.

Published on 07 June 2016
Unipark Nonntal

1 June: International Lecture “Karrieremotor Mobilität” – Discussion Forum

On 1 June, at 18:00, in Edmundsburg, Europasaal, Mönchsberg 2, a discussion forum on the topic ” Karrieremotor Mobilität: How important is a stay abroad?” Welcome Greeting: Vice Rector Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sylvia Hahn.

Published on 07 June 2016