14 January: Exhibition Opening: Father Thomas Michels (1892-1979) – Monk, Scholar, Politician
Invitation to the exhibition opening on 14 January, 2016, at the Literary Archives Salzburg.
12 January: Geological Colloquium “Zeitskalen alpiner Sedimentflüsse”
Matthias HINDERER (TU Darmstadt): Timescales Alpine Sediment Flows – Geological Colloquium on Tuesday, 12 January, 2016, 17:00, HS 434, Hellbrunnerstraße 34, 3rd floor.
Erwin Wenzl Prize for Mag. Dr. Peter Vogl
Mag. Dr. Peter Vogl, Sub auspiciis candidate of Dies Academicus of the University of Salzburg in early December 2015, has received this year’s Erwin Wenzl Prize of the Province of Upper Austria .