
Publication of the month November (2015)

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month November (2015): Yoan MACHADO

Published on 02 December 2015
Alte Residenz

19 November: Book Presentation: “Physikalische Wirklichkeit – Konstruktion oder Entdeckung? (Physical Reality – Construction or Discovery?)”

The Christian Doppler Fund, the University of Salzburg and the publisher Living Edition, Thursday, 19 November, 18.00

Published on 23 November 2015
Lucas Zeise

19 November: Money and the Euro Crisis

Lecture and discussion with Lucas Zeise, Financial Journalist. Thursday, 19 November, 10:15 in HS 436, 3rd floor of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstraße 34

Published on 23 November 2015