

We proudly announce the Awardees of the “Frischauf-Award 2014”:
1st Prize – Elfriede DALL and Daniela KERN
3rd Prize – Yoan MACHADO

Published on 14 December 2015
Dr. Andreas Renz ©privat

Guest Professor, Dr. Andreas Renz / München

Dr. Andreas Renz offers courses on the theme of “Grundlagen des interreligiösen Dialogs bzw. Grundlagen der Menschenbilder in den Weltreligionen /Foundations of Interreligious Dialogues and Basics of Human Images in World Religions” at the Centre for Intercultural Theology and Study of Religions.

Published on 09 December 2015

Academic Honors and sub-auspiciis Promotions

Under the auspices of Federal President, Dr. Heinz Fischer, two Upper Austrians, Wolfgang Skala and Peter Vogl were awarded doctorates. The University conferred upon Austrian writer and literary scholar, Anna Mitgutsch, an honorary doctorate of philosophy. The title of Honorary Senator went to Otto Zich and Klaus Kuschel.

Published on 09 December 2015