
Foto Einladungsfolder

14 March: Defending Guantanamo Prisoners – When Justice Fails

Presentation and discussion in English with Nancy Hollander, International Criminal Defense Lawyer, Albuquerque, USA, on 14 March, 19:30, Robert Jungk Library, Stadtwerk, Strubergasse 18.

Published on 30 March 2016
Meister mit seinem Schüler

15 March: Presentation “The island dispute and the ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) the Peoples Republic of China in the East China Sea”

On 23 November, 2013, the Peoples Republic of China established an air defense identification zone in the East China Sea (ECS ADIZ) and announced its immediate enforcement. Dr. Phil Jiagu Richter deals with this issue in his lecture.

Published on 30 March 2016

15 March: Geological Colloquium “Groundwater Exploration in Haiti”

With Sebastian PFLEIDERER (GBA Vienna) on the topic of “Grundwassexploration in Haiti”. The venue is the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

Published on 30 March 2016