New Teacher Training Programme: Students as Learning Facilitators
In the summer semester 2016, for the first time the University of Salzburg will offer a Thematic Module. The Thematic Module “Language of Instruction” is aimed at teaching students of all subjects and is a joint project between the Language Centre, the Department of German, the School of Education at the University of Salzburg and the Diakoniewerk Salzburg. The focus of the module is the role of language in the education system in a multilingual society.
Admission to Teacher Training
Starting next academic year it will be obligatory to complete an admissions process for authorization to study secondary school teacher training (general knowledge). There will be an opportunity to complete this authorization process in one of three time slots at the University of Salzburg.
Award for Innovative Research in the Natural Sciences
To promote scientific work, development or inventions, every two years the province of Salzburg awards Christian Doppler prizes of 3,000 euros. In June, Landesrätin Martina Berthold presented the Christian Doppler prize to three scientists.