

Updated manuscript available on arXiv

In the last weeks, we (Michal Dory, Sebastian Forster, Yasamin Nazari, and Tijn de Vos) have been working on improving our manuscript “New Tradeoffs for Decremental Approximate All-Pairs Shortest Paths”.

Published on 22 February 2023

Call for the Emerging Scholars Program of the Milton Wolf Seminar

Call for the Emerging Scholars Program of the Milton Wolf Seminar, «Media at the Abyss: War, Deglobalization, and the Diplomatic Response», April 12-14, 2023, Vienna

Published on 21 February 2023
CIVIS | Logo

CIVIS: Doctoral Days 28 February to 2 March 2023

28 February to 2 March 2023 | online: The annual Doctoral Days at the University of Tübingen will take place from 28 February to 2 March 2023. The online workshops are open for doctorate candidates from the CIVIS network. All workshops are free of charge. Registration is necessary for each workshop.

Published on 21 February 2023