
Foto: Krista Ulbrich

7 April: W & K Forum: Salzburg as the Capital of Culture in 2024?

On 07 April, 2016, at the Unipark, the W & K Forum will discuss the question (among others), “What are the pros and against application of Salzburg Capital of Culture in 2024?”

Published on 08 April 2016

5 -7 April: Persuasive Technology Conference 2016

From 4 to 7 April, 2016, the 11th International Conference “Persuasive Technology” will take place at the Edmundsburg in Salzburg. The organizers are the Center for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Salzburg and the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT).

Published on 08 April 2016
Prof. Dr. Foissner - Foto priv.

Eduard-Reichenow-Medal goes to Wilhelm Foissner

Wilhelm Foissner has been awarded the Eduard-Reichenow-Medal at the Congress of the German Society for Protozoology. Interesting new findings about protist taxonomy and ecology were presented on four posters by members of the department.

Published on 07 April 2016