
Prof. Dr. Sirijit Sunanta

Professor Sirijit Sunanta visiting us from Mahidol University, Thailand

Professor Sirijit Sunanta is visiting Department of Sociology and Human Geography.

Published on 16 June 2023

FOR APAC Lecture Series Agorá: “Collaborative German-Austr(al)ian Materials Science on Extracellular Matrices of Plants”

Australia is blessed by an extremely old ecosystem and a large biodiversity, especially in areas with extreme conditions caused by regularly occurring fires. To adjust to such environmental conditions plants have evolved various strategies. A particularly spectactular example is the seed storage and protection mechanism of the iconic Australian plant genus Banksia. Banksias can keep their seed on the plant for many years, building up a canopy stored seed bank. On the example of our research on these fascinating structures I will also talk about our collaboration with Austria and Australia and about the Max Planck Queensland Center for the Materials Science of Extracellular Matrices.

Published on 15 June 2023
Prof. Dr. Sirijit Sunanta_ Poster

Documentary Screening and Discussion

Join us in a documentary film screening “THAILAND AS A SECOND HOME FOR FOREIGN RETIREES” and discussion with Prof. Dr. Sirijit Sunanta.

Published on 15 June 2023