
Foto Klimaschutz

Unity for Climate Protection

Dr. Norbert Winding, Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreterin Dr. Astrid Rössler, Ing. Reinhard Wienmüller, Landesrat Dr. Josef Schwaiger, and Rector Dr. Heinrich Schmidinger are in strong unity for climate protection.

Published on 09 February 2015
Foto Plakat

The 10th BRAZILIAN FILM FESTIVAL: 9 – 13 December, 2014

The opening ceremony will be held on 9 December, at 19:00, in the Unipark Nonntal. The Welcome introduction is presented by the Vice-Rector for Research, Fatima Ferreira-Briza, and His Excellency, Ambassador Evandro de Sampaio Didonet, from Brazil. Prof. Tunico Amancio will deliver the opening address. Afterwards, there will be an introduction of the Brazilian guests.

Published on 09 February 2015


Friday, 12 December, 2014: Colloquium on the occasion of the retirement of Edward Beutner – University of Salzburg, Department of German, Erzabt Klotz Str 1, SE space 4.102.

Published on 09 February 2015