

The Legitimacy Crisis of Democracy

Prof. Dr. Ingolfur Blühdorn gave a lecture on the “Legitimacy Crisis of Democracy” at 19:00 on 7 June, at the Institute for Social Sciences, HS 386.

Published on 12 June 2017
Panoramabar Lehen

12 June: Panorama: Uni “The Path to a European Future”

With the political scientist, Sonja Puntscher-Riekmann. Date: Monday, 12 June, 19:00, Panoramabar Lehen, Schumacherstr. 14.

Published on 12 June 2017
Die Weisheit Indiens

23 May: 16th SN-Seminar “Religion leben” on the Theme of “The Wisdom of India, What Connects Hindus and Christians”

Tuesday, 23 May, 2017, 19:00, Saal of the Salzburger Nachrichten (Karolingerstraße 40, Salzburg). Theme: “The wisdom of India, what connects Hindus and Christians.”

Published on 09 June 2017