

IRIS 2015

Again this year, the WissensNetzwerk Recht, Wirtschaft und Arbeitswelt, in cooperation with the Wiener Zentrum für Rechtsinformatik (WZRI) of the University of Vienna, has organized what is now the largest and most important scientific meeting in Austria and Central Europe in the field of Computer Science Law: Internationale Rechtsinformatik Symposion. The event will be held from 26 to 28 February, 2015, on the premises of the Faculty of Law of the University of Salzburg.

Published on 03 March 2015

Vulnerability to Adjustment and Crisis Politics in Eastern Europe and the Eurozone

Public lecture “Vulnerability to Crisis Adjustment and Politics in Eastern Europe and the Eurozone” with Prof. Dr. Stefanie Walter (University of Zurich). Date: 2 February. Time: 18:30. Location: Europasaal, Edmundsburg, Mönchsberg 2. Free admission!

Published on 03 March 2015
Dr. Lore Breitenbach-Koller

“Specialized” Ribosomes for Healthy Aging and Treatment of Rare Diseases

Two Austrian research teams, one at the University of Salzburg under the direction of Lore Breitenbach-Koller and one from the University of Agricultural Sciences under the direction of John Grillari and Markus Schosserer, have found that a small change to the ribosomes, the molecular machinery for protein synthesis, leads to the reprogramming of protein synthesis so that fruit flies, nematodes and brewer’s yeast live longer.

Published on 03 March 2015