
Einladung zum Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Margrit Schulte Beerbühl

22 June: Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Margrit Schulte Beerbühl

On 22 June, 2016, at 17:00, SE U10 in the Haus der Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Rudolskai 42, Department of History.

Published on 27 June 2016
Foto Arbeitsmigration

23 June: Final Discussion of the Lecture Series “Labor Migration from the 1960s”

In the summer semester 2016, the Department of History has held a lecture series on the issue of labor migration. Final discussion of the lecture series- 23 June at 17:00, Hörsaal 380, Rudolfskai 42.

Published on 27 June 2016

20 June: “Quest, Knowledge and Simulations: Problem Solving with Computers from the Beginning of Computer Science up to AlphaGo”

The success of Deep Mind’s Go board game program, AlphaGo has attracted worldwide attention. After the prerelease’s smooth 5: 0 victory over the European champion Fan Hui last fall, the program won an exhibition match 4:1 against Lee Sedol, the top Korean player, in March. Lecture on 20 June with Martin Müller, University of Alberta, 16:00, Audimaxl, Nawi.

Published on 27 June 2016