

8 June: Lecture on Psychotherapy for Traumatized Refugees

Arab refugees who have fled wars and political unrest in their homeland were often exposed to sequential traumatization, and showed in previous studies a high prevalence of mental disorders.

Published on 10 June 2016

8 June: One in a series of lectures on “Kommunikation.Macht.Gesellschaft”

Steven Youngblood, Director of the Center for Global Peace Journalism at Park University (Missouri), speaks on 8 June at 18:00, in Hörsaal 380, Rudolfskai 42, about the concept of peace journalism.

Published on 10 June 2016
Professor Stephan Kirste

2 June: Conference on “Wozu Menschenrechte im 21. Jahrhundert?”

On Thursday, 2 June, at the University of Salzburg an international conference on “Challenges for human rights in the 21st century”. Organizers are the Salzburger legal philosopher Stephan Kirste and his assistant Kristin Albrecht.

Published on 10 June 2016