
Herzliche Einladung! Foto: © Fachbereich Bibelwissenschaft und Kirchengeschichte

Marko Feingold Distinguished Fellowship

The so-called Judensau is the most well-known, and most prevailing, anti-Jewish motif in the German-speaking countries in the 13th-16th century. It is found on stone reliefs, in wood cuttings, on churches and public buildings, and later in printed works. The effect of this imagery, which identifies Jews with pigs, has unfortunately not ended with the Middle Ages. The public display of such images is now forbidden, or, when found on old buildings, accompanied with historical information. Yet the anti-Jewish use of the pig pertains, hidden and less hidden, specifically today when antisemitism is more alive than ever. This lecture focuses on the origins of the Judensau image, and similar motifs, in Biblical, ancient Christian and ancient Jewish sources, and their Wirkungsgeschichte in the Middle Ages until today.

Published on 15 May 2024

Salzburg Marathon

Beim diesjährigen Salzburg Marathon war die Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät u.a. mit Prof. Lieve Teugels (Marko Feingold Distinguished Fellow), Dekan Prof. Dietmar W. Winkler, Rene Auer (Hausdienst), Assoz.-Prof. Martin Rötting (Religious Studies) und Clara Grabner (BA-Studentin, im Bild) vertreten.

Published on 15 May 2024
Aerial View, Parkville Campus and Melbourne City, 2020

University-wide Student Exchange between PLUS and the University of Melbourne

Students from the University of Salzburg (PLUS) have an exciting new opportunity to spend time abroad at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Under the terms of a new partnership agreement, students of both institutions can apply for an exchange semester in a wide range of subjects. The University of Melbourne is Australia’s leading university and was placed 14 in the QS worldwide rankings in 2023. 

Published on 15 May 2024