
RV Plakat

Lecture “Applied Ethics”: Do we need to make people morally better?

As part of the lecture series in Applied Ethics, University Assistant Dr. Norbert Paulo (FB Legal and Social Philosophy) will speak this Wednesday, 11 March, 2015, about the opportunities and risks of moral improvement of man.

Published on 13 March 2015
Plakat RV Angewandte Ethik

Lecture Series: Was soll ich tun? Topics and Methods in Applied Ethics

During the Summer Term 2015, the lecture series “What shall I do?” will examine a number of current ethical issues that through social changes bring about (new) technologies and discoveries. It gives an insight into the diversity of applied ethics, its contents and methods.

Published on 13 March 2015
Plakat der Ringvorlesung

Lecture Series “Symbols, Identities and Attributes in Jewish Cultural History”: Jerusalem: Center of the World. Meaning and experience of the Holy City in stories of a Christian and Jewish traveler of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period

Thursday, 12 March, 2015, 17:00-19:00, HS 380 GesWi (Rudolfkai 42, Salzburg)
Dr. Maria Dorninger (Salzburg)

Published on 13 March 2015