
Programm Ringvorlesung Religion und Politik

Lecture: Religion and Politics – Historical and Systematic Dimensions of the Current Charged Relationship

28 April, 2015, 17:00: “Dieser Kommentar will und soll ein jüdischer sein” and political dimensions – Bible hermeneutical discourses at the beginning of the 20th century. Location: Haus für Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Rudolfskai 42, HS 380.

Published on 05 May 2015
Olga Flor - Bildquelle: © Lisa Rastl

Workshop Discussion and Reading with Olga Flor

28 April, 2015, 17:00 and 19:30, Kunstquartier, Bergstr. 12a: Workshop Discussion and Reading with Olga Flor. Moderator: Christa Gürtler.

Published on 30 April 2015
Fachtagung Vake and beyond

1 – 2 July, 2015: Symposium “VaKE and Beyond”

VaKE … what has happened so far – how can it progress? An event of the Department of Education.

Published on 30 April 2015