
Unipark - L. Caputo

Evaluation of NMS: (Absent from) Start in a Modern School? Consequences for School Development and Teacher Education

The School of Education and the ÖH Salzburg extend an invitation to the event, „Evaluation der NMS: (Fehl-)Start in eine moderne Schule? Konsequenzen für Schulentwicklung und LehrerInnenbildung“ on 04 May, 2015, from 18:45.

Published on 13 May 2015
Einladung Präsentation Erreichbarkeitsanalyse

Presentation of the Project Study “Accessibility in the Food Trade – Practice Meets Science” – 11 May, 2015

A model for interdisciplinary scientific implementation of questions from the business community. On 11 May, will be presented at 18:00 at the Unipark Nonntal, Room 4.302 (Rooftop Terrace, 4th floor).

Published on 13 May 2015
Foto Hörsaal-Eingang Unipark

Series of Lectures on Disability Studies

This summer semester, the University of Salzburg and the University of Linz are offering the joint lecture series, “Disability Studies”, which will take place in Salzburg 8-9 May and in Linz 29-30 May, 2015. Researchers and cultural workers present from current work and deal with the phenomenon of disability in the context of participation, inclusion, representation, art and cultural forms in Austria.

Published on 13 May 2015