
Foto: Katharina Gruber, lange Zeit einzige weibliche SPÖ-Landtag

Invitation to the Inaugural Lecture of Martin Knoll and Jessica Fortin-Rittberger

The Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences invites you to the inaugural lecture on Tuesday, 09 June, 2015, at 19:00 in HS 380, Rudolfskai 42.

Published on 10 June 2015

Keep on Reading, Keep on Running

The 12th Salzburg Marathon at the University Library.

Published on 18 May 2015
Bild von Dr. Josef Estermann / Luzern © Marcel Kaufmann, COMUNDO

Research Forum on 12 May, 2015

Prof. Dr. Josef Estermann / Luzern (visiting professor at the Centre for Intercultural Theology and Study of Religions) will speak on the subject: Andine Theologie – Herausforderungen an die europäische akademische Theologie.

Published on 18 May 2015