
Foto: Fotocredits: B&C/APA-Fotoservice/Langegger

Education Prize of the B&C Private Foundation

From a total of 113 submissions, Lisa Virtbauer (right) and Ines Deibl from the School of Education of the University of Salzburg with their project “Bee a Scientist” were 1st prize winners in the amount of 15,000 euros.

Published on 04 November 2016

Publication of the Month October (2016)

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month October (2016): Teresa STEMESEDER

Published on 03 November 2016
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anne Koch ©privat

25 October: Opening Lecture, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anne Koch – Religious Studies

HS 101 of the Faculty of Catholic Theology (Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg, EG) – Subject: Von Abwehr bis Wiederkehr – Religionswissenschaftliche Anmerkungen zu Religion heute When: 25 October, 2016, 11:00.

Published on 31 October 2016