
Foto: Dieter Scheyhing

W&K-Forum: Todays’ New Music Festivals as Forums for Contemporary Culture – Interdisciplinary European Perspectives

When one researches European Music-festivals of musicology comparatively, interdisciplinary traces in the direction of related disciplines arise repeatedly. Date: 16 June, 2015. Atelier in the Kunst Quartier, Bergstrasse 12a, 5020, Salzburg.

Published on 19 June 2015
Foto: Bundespräsident Dr. Heinz Fischer und Mag.a Iris Murer

Theodor Körner Prize Awarded to Junior Researchers of the University of Salzburg

The lawyer, Iris Murer, was awarded the Theodor Körner Prize for her dissertation on prostitution, and the Geoinformatiker, Bernd Resch, received the special prize of the BM VIT for the research of human emotions as the basis for urban planning.

Published on 19 June 2015
Blattstruktur und Einladungstext

Ö1-Hörsaal: Plant Life

Ö1 Hörsaal: Plant Life
“The Plant” – Adornment, Weed or Food. On 12 June, 2015, from 10:00-17:00, at the Faculty of Science, everything will revolve around this topic.

Published on 18 June 2015