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Ö1-Hörsaal: Plant Life

Ö1 Hörsaal: Plant Life
“The Plant” – Adornment, Weed or Food. On 12 June, 2015, from 10:00-17:00, at the Faculty of Science, everything will revolve around this topic.

Published on 18 June 2015
Viele Buntstifte um einen Krieger

Science and Art Forum: Podium Discussion “Art, Religion and Terror”

The second Science and Art Forums will be held on 5 May, 2015, 19:30, HS E.003, Unipark Nonntal: Gerhard Haderer (Artist and Caricaturist, Linz), Dorna Safaian (Media and Art Theorist, Berlin) and Viktor Hermann (Journalist, Salzburg) discuss the current theme of “Art, Religion and Terrorism” .

Published on 18 June 2015
Tahrir Platz Kairo

Origins, Dynamics and Perspectives of the Revolution and the Counter Revolution in Egypt and Its Meaning for the Middle East

Lecture by Sameh Naguib on Thursday, 11 June, 2015, at 18:00 in the HS E.004 (Anna Bahr-Mildenburg) Unipark

Published on 16 June 2015