
Chinesische Landschaft (Fluss, Berge, Baum)

11 November: Zheng He and Mazu: History, Perception and Cult

The spectacular travels of Zheng He to the Indian Ocean have been exploited by the Chinese media for various purposes for quite some time. The historian, Zheng He, not only fought for Buddhist and Confucian ideals, but at the same time was a Muslim and also helped spread the so-called Mazu cult. The latter had its roots in the coastal province of Fujian, and was also “politically” conquered, ie, by the state, during certain periods and for certain purposes.

Published on 21 November 2016
Alice Eagly

16 November: “Women as Leaders: Do They Make a Difference?”

The Salzburg Society of Psychology invites you to attend a Lecture (in English) with Prof. Dr. Alice Eagly, Northwestern University. Date: 16 November. Time: 16:15. Location: Hörsaal 402, Hellbrunnerstr. 34.

Published on 18 November 2016

17 November: Lecture „Ist Leben konstruierbar?“

In the public Lise-Meitner-Lecture, the physicist Prof. Petra Schwille from the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, speaks on 17 November, at 18:00 in the AudiMax on the topic „Ist Leben konstruierbar?“

Published on 18 November 2016