
20.04. – Guest lecture: AT/GC compositional genome evolution in lower versus higher vertebrates

On the 20th of April 2018, Radka Symonova, will give a guest lecture on “AT/GC compositional genome evolution in lower versus higher vertebrates”. It will take place in the Lecture Room 421 at Hellbrunnerstraße 34 at 2 pm. The Department of Biosciences cordially invites all listeners!

Published on 12 April 2018
Einladung Gastvortrag DEPArray

9 April – Guest Lecture: A Novel, Semiconductor-based, Sorting Technology for Isolating Single Cells – Enabling the Genetic Analysis of CTC’s from Liquid Biopsies

Christoph Szymoniuk will give a guest lecture on the topic “A novel, semiconductor-based, sorting technology for isolating single cells – enabling the genetic analysis of CTC’s from liquid biopsies “. The Department of Life Sciences invites you to attend! Date: 9 April. Time: 16:00. Location: Hörsaal 403 (Grüner HS) der NW-Fakultät.

Published on 11 April 2018
Einladung GV Mitter

23 March: Guest Lecture: From the Lab to the Field – Endophyte Research at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Birgit Mitter will give a guest lecture on 23 March, 2018, at 14:00 in lecture hall 421 of the NW-Faculty on the subject “From the Lab to the Field – Endophyte Research at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology”. The Department of Life Sciences invites you to attend!

Published on 09 April 2018