
Die Woche der Botanischen Gärten 2015

The Week of the Botanical Gardens 2015

From 13 to 21 June, 2015, the Week of the Botanical Gardens will take place.
This year’s theme is: “Last Chance to See – Endangered Wild Plants in Botanical Gardens”.

Published on 24 June 2015

Opening of the Exhibition “Der Gesang des Todes”. Robert Musil and the First World War

18 June, 2015: Opening of the exhibition “Der Gesang des Todes”, or “The Song of Death”. Robert Musil and the First World War – from 19 June to 28 August, 2015, in the Literature Archive Salzburg.

Published on 19 June 2015
(c) Florian Büttner:

Political Economy of the Gulf States in the Context of the Middle East Region

Lecture by Adam Hanieh on 18 June, 2015, in HS E.004 (Anna Bahr-Mildenburg), UniPark

Published on 19 June 2015