
Plakat Lehrgang

Course Certificate “Social Commitment” 2015/2016

Understand poverty and propose solutions. For the fourth time, The Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research at the University of Salzburg will offer in the Winter Semester 2015/16, in cooperation with the Theologians Center, the Catholic Student Group and the Protestant Student Community, the course “Social Commitment”. An informative meeting will be held on 25 June, 2015, at 18:00 in the KHG, Philharmonikergasse 2.

Published on 30 June 2015
Wissenschaft trifft Praxis

Science Meets Practice

300 Days Academic Education of Kindergarten Teachers – Interim Results.

Published on 30 June 2015
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Three Inaugural Lectures at the Faculty of Natural Science

On 22 June, at 17:15, in the Blauen Hörsaal (HS 402) at the Faculty of Natural Science, Hellbrunner Str. 34, three inaugural lectures will take place; the speakers are Nicholas Augsten, Oliver Diwald and Andreas Schröder.

Published on 24 June 2015