
Die Macht der Kränkung

13 June: The Power of Mortification – About Destructive Roots

Underlying almost every human problem is an offense or insult.
Slights felt attack our self-esteem, our honor and our values.
They visit our innermost selves, can throw us off track, make us unwell
and even trigger political or religious conflicts.

Published on 20 June 2016
Plakat der Informationsveranstaltung

15 June: Information Event on the Master Program, Jewish Cultural History

Wednesday, 15 June, 2016, at 17:30, HS E.003, Unipark Nonntal. Erzabt-Klotz-Str. 1, Salzburg.

Published on 20 June 2016

10 – 19 June: “Garden Theater—Plants in Shakespeare’s World”

From 10 to 19 June, 2016, the 13th “Week of Botanical Gardens” will be held. Four hundred years ago, the great dramatist, William Shakespeare died (1564-1616). In the Shakespeare-Year 2016, the appropriate theme is, “Garden Theater—Plants in Shakespeare’s World.”

Published on 20 June 2016