Lecture in the Context of the 15th Development Policy of University Week
Prof. Dr. Aram ZIAI Kassel University will speak on the subject of Post-Development: Alternatives to “Development”? Date: Thursday, 5 November, 2015. Time: 18:00. Location: HS 103, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg, 3rd floor.
The Department of Linguistics Celebrates 50 Years
The Department of Linguistics at the University of Salzburg cordially invites you to the 50th anniversary celebration on Friday, 6 November, 2015, at 15:00 the Unipark, Ground Floor, Hörsaal Thomas Bernhard (E.001), Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1. The program includes a historical review and three lectures with internationally renowned colleagues.
18:30h s.t. – 20:00h
Hörsaal 207 der Rechtswiss. Fakultät
der Universität Salzburg
Churfürststraße 1
A-5020 Salzburg
(Sign-posted Entrance)