
©Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg

Book Presentation at the University Library Salzburg

On 03 November, 2015, the book presentation “Kräuterkunst & Knochensäge. Medizin am Hof der Salzburger Barockfürsten”by Christoph Brand Huber and Edith Tutsch-Bauer will take place in the large auditorium of the University of Salzburg.

Published on 16 November 2015
Programm-Folder der Ringvorlesung

Lecture Series: “Politics, History and Culture”

Every Thursday, from 17:00 to 19:00, in Hörsaal 381 at Rudolfskai 42, a number of lectures on “Politics, History and Culture in Austria in the 20th and 21st Centuries” will be presented in English. The next lecture will take place on 5 November and will be on the topic “Austrian Economy Since 1945” with Walter Scherrer.

Published on 11 November 2015
Programm-Folder der Ringvorlesung

Lecture Series: “Politics, History and Culture”

Every Thursday, 17:00 to 19:00, in Hörsaal 381 at Rudolfskai 42, several lectures are presented in English on the theme “Politics, History and Culture in Austria in the 20th and 21st Centuries”. Next date: 29 Oct 2015. The topic is “Nationalsocialism and WW II” with Stan Nadel.

Published on 11 November 2015