
K. Renolder

23 February: Lecture, “Farewell to Europe, Farewell to Austria – On the 75th Anniversary of Stefan Zweig’s Death”

A lecture with Klemens Renolder, Stefan Zweig Center. Date: Thursday, 23 February. Time: 19:30. Location: Edmundsburg, Europasaal.

Published on 28 February 2017
Ringvorlesung Das Theologische der Theologie

The Theological Theology. Contemplation of Scientific Theories – Methodological Determinations – Disciplinary Concretions

Lecture Series of the Theological Faculty in Summer Semester 2017: 7 March, 4 April, 9 May and 13 June, 2017 – 14:30 – 18:00 in HS 103 of the Faculty of Catholic Theology, Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg, 3 OG.

Published on 20 February 2017

Open day at the University of Salzburg on 15th of March 2017

Our department will join the open day and offer several introductory lectures.

Published on 15 February 2017